Decana del comizio pears

pera decana del comizio

This vigorous tree has slow and erratic fruiting, which is why it is recommended for grafting onto low-vigour quinces (Adams, Cotogno C), at least in high quality soils, where high plantation density is therefore possible (3-4000 trees/ha) .The large fruit size means this variety is much appreciated for both its shape and the high quality flesh; nevertheless, it is somewhat sensitive to handling and prone to bruising, and so must picked carefully. Harvest: first ten days of September.



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Decana del comizio pears

pera decana del comizio

This vigorous tree has slow and erratic fruiting, which is why it is recommended for grafting onto low-vigour quinces (Adams, Cotogno C), at least in high quality soils, where high plantation density is therefore possible (3-4000 trees/ha) .The large fruit size means this variety is much appreciated for both its shape and the high quality flesh; nevertheless, it is somewhat sensitive to handling and prone to bruising, and so must picked carefully. Harvest: first ten days of September.