Article published on Saturday 3rd November 2012

Raspberries all year round! Delicious and packed with nutrition ...

especially for mums-to-be.

Whoever said that raspberries are summer fruits that are only found in high-lying lands (... great for snacks and fun on long woodland walks)?. This commonly held belief is gradually being debunked by Roberta Rossi, a farmer who lives in the town of Crespellano and farms land located in the Bazzano, Vignola, and Piumazzo areas. Forming a top-growing triangle for fruit farmers, this is the area that Roberta chose when she decided to try out innovative new crops, such as certain varieties of forest fruits, like currants, blackberries, and raspberries ..

The two rows of raspberries trained over trellises just a short distance from the bank of the river Samoggia continued to produce delicious red (or pink) and also yellow raspberries until late autumn. Two varieties of the same fruit make a generous gift from this sturdy shrub from the rosaceae family.

" On traditional crops the margins are low nowadays, and the markets are scarce and saturated. So, with these valuable tips from experts based in the Trentino region, we have been trying out these fruits on the family farm in Bazzano. And I must say that the result has been extremely positive, both in terms of quantities and - above all - quality" guarantees the farmer of a fruit which has been grown for centuries and, in the past, was recommended to pregnant women as believed to lower the risk of miscarriage. Only more recently has it been discovered that folic acid and vitamin P (which raspberries provide) are beneficial to the development of the foetus.

Effetti positivi derivano poi dalla proprietà antinfiammatorie favorite dal contenuto d And then there are the positive effects of the anti-inflammatory action stemming from the vitamin C content, as well as the purifying, refreshing, and energy-boosting properties offered. Recent scientific studies have shown that (like strawberries) raspberries also have cancer-busting properties due to the presence of an antioxidant acid that inhibit the growth of tumorous cells. In herbal medicine, the tannin-rich leaves are also used in infusions to fight sore throats.
See the article on raspberries in the newspaper -->

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Article published on Saturday 3rd November 2012

Raspberries all year round! Delicious and packed with nutrition... especially for mums-to-be

Whoever said that raspberries are summer fruits that are only found in high-lying lands (... great for snacks and fun on long woodland walks)?. This commonly held belief is gradually being debunked by Roberta Rossi, a farmer who lives in the town of Crespellano and farms land located in the Bazzano, Vignola, and Piumazzo areas. Forming a top-growing triangle for fruit farmers, this is the area that Roberta chose when she decided to try out innovative new crops, such as certain varieties of forest fruits, like currants, blackberries, and raspberries ..

The two rows of raspberries trained over trellises just a short distance from the bank of the river Samoggia continued to produce delicious red (or pink) and also yellow raspberries until late autumn. Two varieties of the same fruit make a generous gift from this sturdy shrub from the rosaceae family.

" On traditional crops the margins are low nowadays, and the markets are scarce and saturated. So, with these valuable tips from experts based in the Trentino region, we have been trying out these fruits on the family farm in Bazzano. And I must say that the result has been extremely positive, both in terms of quantities and - above all - quality" guarantees the farmer of a fruit which has been grown for centuries and, in the past, was recommended to pregnant women as believed to lower the risk of miscarriage. Only more recently has it been discovered that folic acid and vitamin P (which raspberries provide) are beneficial to the development of the foetus.

Effetti positivi derivano poi dalla proprietà antinfiammatorie favorite dal contenuto d And then there are the positive effects of the anti-inflammatory action stemming from the vitamin C content, as well as the purifying, refreshing, and energy-boosting properties offered. Recent scientific studies have shown that (like strawberries) raspberries also have cancer-busting properties due to the presence of an antioxidant acid that inhibit the growth of tumorous cells. In herbal medicine, the tannin-rich leaves are also used in infusions to fight sore throats.
See the article on raspberries in the newspaper -->